Relaxed Whisky Shop Dufftown Whisky Quiz by Maltstock

      Relaxed Whisky Shop Dufftown Whisky Quiz by Maltstock

      In diesem Jahr sollte zum ersten Mal ein Whisky-Quiz, organisiert von Mike Lord und dem Maltstock-Organisations-Team stattfinden. Und genau die haben sich nun überlegt, dieses Quiz dann eben virtuell stattfinden zu lassen.
      Zum einen natürlich, um die ganzen Vorbereitungen nicht umsonst gemacht zu haben, zum anderen aber hauptsächlich, um Mike, den Besitzer des Whisky-Shops in Dufftown, damit zu unterstützen. Denn wie alle kleinen Händler leidet er unter der momentanen Situation auch sehr. Zumal ihm ja nun auch das wichtigste Event im Jahr fehlt.

      Wer also zum einen Spaß haben und dabei sein Whiskywissen testen und zum anderen gleichzeitig eben Mike unterstützen möchte, der sollte sich doch einfach zum Mitmachen anmelden. Wer schon mal auf Maltstock war, weiß, dass das Quiz nicht nur für Whisky-Nerds geeignet ist. Bei manchen Runden kommt es gar nicht mal auf echtes Whiskywissen, sondern nur auf gutes Rategespür an. Aber was genau Teun & Co. sich für dies Quiz ausgedacht haben, weiß ich auch nicht.

      Ach ja, es gibt dabei auch eine Menge attraktiver Preise zu gewinnen (ich glaube, hauptsächlich wohl alkoholische... )

      Hier erfahrt ihr jetzt jedenfalls, wie das Ganze funktioniert und wo ihr euch anmelden könnt:

      Relaxed Whisky Shop Dufftown Virtual Whisky Quiz by Maltstock

      3rd May would be the day we were to host the first ever Maltstock event at the Spirit of Speyside festival. We’ve been relaxed visitors for a dozen years or so. But this year we would actually be doing something useful by bringing a little piece of Maltstock to Speyside. We were really looking forward to hosting a relaxed whisky quiz for The Whisky Shop Dufftown. But as we all know, the festival has been cancelled for obvious reasons. This however does not mean there will be no whisky quiz. So you can all relax now!

      Virtual relaxed whisky quiz

      Together with The Whisky Shop Dufftown we have decided to go ahead with the quiz, not in Dufftown, but online. This also means even more of you can join, since you don’t even have to leave your home to take part. Relaxed isn’t it? So join us for a bit of fun!

      And don’t worry, it will not be an über geeky nobody-knows-this-stuff-except-some-weirdos- quiz. Although it might sometimes seem that way ;). It’s just some relaxed fun!

      Three leagues

      We’ll have three leagues. For all us mere whisky mortals we have the Amateur league.
      This is dived into two leagues: you can play as an individual or get together as a team.

      If you’re a whisky industry “professional” we would love for you to join the League of Professionals. You will not be playing for prizes, but for eternal fame and honor.

      Great prizes

      With great thanks to our sponsors we have some fantastic prizes for you! Mainly whisky There will probably be a prize for the winner of each round. And of course an overall prize in each league.

      How to join?

      To enter the individual amateur league click here:
      17 May 2020 from 4pm CET / 3pm BST – The Relaxed Whisky Quiz (Individual Entry) | The Whisky Shop Dufftown
      and for the team amateur league click here:
      17 May 2020 from 4pm CET / 3pm BST – The Relaxed Whisky Quiz (Team Entry) | The Whisky Shop Dufftown
      Tickets are just £10 per entry. When you complete the quiz, you will receive a £5 voucher to use on The Whisky Shop Dufftown's on-line store to put towards a whisky

      The professional league is for "fun" only. No prizes. They do not need the incentive to be competitive. Drop Mike an email if you want to take part in the professional league (


      Sunday May 17th, 4pm CET/ 3pm BST through the Facebook page of The Whisky Shop Dufftown.

      You will be send a link to online answering forms for each round.

      So come on, join us! Have a bit of fun! See how you do against your fellow enthusiasts as well as industry professionals.

      Annette, Bob, Klaas, Stan, Teun